JC General Construction INC

Apartment Renovation in Lincoln Park

This apartment renovation was a design-and-build project focused on space division and adding a kitchen exhaust fan. The main challenge was the ductwork, which created an awkward soffit. We extended the ductwork soffit to enhance the kitchen’s character and accommodate a steel range hood while concealing the duct outlet. In the living room, we introduced a pop soffit ceiling with indirect LED lighting to create a dynamic color range and added a modern ceiling fan. The chimney was updated with a new frame, hexagon tiles, and side cabinets. The client loved the new design, and the project was a success.

  • Category: Apartment Renovation with ceiling design.
  • Feature: Ductwork soffit, steel range hood, pop ceiling, LED lighting, and modern ceiling fan.
  • Year: 2023
  • Location: Lincoln Park, Chicago, Il 60614